Friday, March 12, 2010

POTD: Cousin

My cousin Dave is in Dublin! The rest of the wildrices arrive tomorrow.

Update: Just found out Dave brought us Thin Mints. Awesome! They're in the freezer!


mom Gunter said...

What a beautiful picture! I hope ya'll have a wonderful time with your family Sharon. You look just beautiful! Are they staying with you and Bill or at a near by hotel?

Sharon said...

Staying with us. They're spending a few days in Cork also.

Unknown said...

Tell David I expect him to learn to do Irish dancing - Watson too.

In Cork I suggest the Garnish Inn on Western Road right across from Cork University. They have 30 choices for breakfast.

Sharon said...

I think they are staying there, Dad. I gave them your recommendation.

mom Gunter said...

Glad to hear Dave brought your favorite after dinner frozen treat. I'll have some waiting here in my freezer too!